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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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septa strikes out

2005.10.31 10.06

This morning SEPTA went on strike due to a labor union dispute. It means that I have to walk from 2nd and Spring Garden to 11th and Market. This isn't too bad. The SEPTA Regional Rail service is still operating and will take me to Ft. Washington. Once there, however, I'm on my own to travel the last two miles to the client office. A fellow co-worker picked me up this morning. My train was running 20 minutes late. I'm planning on riding an earlier train just to be safe tomorrow. Daylight savings time couldn't have finished up at a better time.

Today I'll tell you a story about a Halloween pamphlet I found at a grocery store in Houston years ago. I don't know why I haven't mentioned these things in my blog before because this is such a good story. One fine day, I was perusing the supermarket candy aisle when I came upon a tiny little pamphlet. Someone had tucked it into an obvious location on the shelf. ''What's this?'' I thought. It appeared to be a cute little comic book about Halloween! ''I loves the comics,'' I said out loud. The comic starts off with these cute little kids excitedly talking about going trick or treating that evening. The story then quickly shifts to these adults that live nearby who are busy putting poisons and needles into candy. They're also busy praying to their Lord Satan and hoping that he'll be appeased by their actions. They actually get pretty in depth with how excited they are to be killing little children. Woo hoo! Of course, they practically ignore any logic that would suggest that police forensics team will eventually catch them and throw their asses into the slammer. I guess the comic was written before CSI emphasized the power of forensic pathologists. So, anyway, these kids take some candy from the evil adult people and they die terrible, horrible, bloody deaths later that evening. Awwww! The end of the pamphlet goes on to say that you should have just stayed home and read the bible instead of trekking into the neighborhood. See? Now you're dead. Doesn't that suck? The last few panels question whether or not you were saved, of course. Gotta make that pitch to protect your soul. And of course, if you weren't saved, you're gonna burn in hell for all eternity for now and ever. Way to go, Satanists. It's Miller Time! Yeah, we do stuff like that in The South. Isn't that nice? Why don't ya'll come down and visit us sometime?

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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