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Mark Shields
Super Genius
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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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insanity / gimme some mo

2000.11.11 21.02

Florida election officials blinded by strong florescent lighting use rejected ballots to shield their eyes. "It's so bright in here. Where are my sunglasses?" inquired Judge Charles Burton (left). Republican election officials have steadfastly held that the lighting conditions seem fine to them.
Vice President Al Gore finds time to jog amidst allegations that the democrats have been asking for recounts until they finally like the count. "I'll bet if we use magic sheep to count them that the will of the people will be revealed," Gore was quoted as saying as he huffed and puffed while jogging in the middle of a busy street alongside his group sex partners (left to right) Jill, Bobby, Aaron and Svenska. "Aaron likes to watch my ass when I run," Gore added.
Drove DeLorean around again tonight. Went to Kirin Japanese Seafood and had a lot of sushi and oysters. If I die tomorrow then please blame the oysters. They seemed fine. It's a lot like eating meat-jello (or at least that's what I think of when I eat oysters). When I was a little kid I couldn't stand oysters and when forced to eat one, I would always chuck all over the place. My dad *loved* them and couldn't get my aversion. For some reason every Thanksgiving I would eat oysters left and right from the stuffing (thanks to my dad). When I realized that these tastey meaty things were in fact the oysters that I was deathly afraid of, I entered a new era. A new phase. I began to dig them. Oysters are yummy. Bring them to me. Are they still alive and pulsing? Good! Yum!

In the upcoming sequel Matrix II, Trinity is captured by democratic Agent programs and forced to count and re-count 200 year old Florida ballots. "Someone kill me," begs Trinity.
Feeling a bit better after being tossed into the open spaces. Want to go up to office and get work done, but apathy is so soothing and comforting. Lots of Veteran's Day movies on television are entertaining distractions. John Wayne was The Man.

Plotting a visit to the movies tonight to see Little Nicky. Saw Charlies Angels this past Sunday night and it was really great. The director McG delivered as far as filming in what he called 'hyper-reality.' Had strange dream last night that I got hired by Comedy Central to write for The Daily Show. It paid crap, so that sucked.

Have been hearing a lot from people who love my Time Vehicle. Planning to figure out how some of the equipment works and will make attempts to duplicate it. Pondering idea of making it work for real. That would also involve a trip to La La Land, so probably no dice.

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