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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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i am superman's crack pipe

2001.01.15 22.10

Okay, so I just found out Oktober KNOWS Alex. See my 1/13 entry for scoop. I love coincidence. Oktober asked if she remembered me. Reply: ''Nope.'' Apparently there was too much focus at the time on the aforementioned puke, being a model, getting yelled at, saying ''Dammit!'' and having her friend leave early. The good news? She's moved in town from Austin and will be staying here permanently. Yay! I realize I have no freaking chance, but what the hell? Right on.

Woke up yesterday. Went to kitchen. Sat at table. Saw giant water puddle. Remembered it rained on Saturday night. Touched drippy ceiling. Time passed. Went to Home Depot. Bought roof patch stuff, stainless steel big ass flashlight and lotsa D cell batteries. Went into attic. Found out a pipe had a tiny crack in it causing whole problem. Yelled ''Crap!'' like, thirty times. Turned off water to house. Drained lines. Poked hole in ceiling sheetrock and let water drain into bucket. Went into attic and said ''Crap!'' a few more times. Pointed oscillating fan at ceiling and went to bed.

Also noticed Electralux is linking to me. Wondering if anyone will view my freaky NIN stuff. Jerald introduced me to Electralux so consider this props and encouragement to check out his site. So many redesigns. Wondering what Electralux will turn into next. My dream? A fully illustrated Mud Wrestling Tips & Tricks site.

Had a kick ass idea for a short three minute movie. I'll give you the quick treatment version: I am in my living room and watching George Bush concede and Al Gore accepting the presidency. I throw up my hands. I run to the DeLorean. I go back in time a few months. I hand out pamphlets in Florida giving confusing instructions about how to vote. I talk to the guy designing the ballots and convince him that the butterfly ballot is the way to go. I switch Al Gore's cards during a debate with cards that tell him to sigh and make an ass of himself. I come back to the present day and see that now Bush is the winner and Gore has lost. During his speech, Bush says he is going to pass a law that I don't like. I look at the keys to the DeLorean, tap my finger, and then grab 'em and take off again. Okay, so a treatment is not gonna convey the humor I intend to infuse, but I think you get the picture. If you have anything to add to the cheese that is to be, speak up.

Found out Oktober might possible know the Alex chick from Number's on Friday night. She was a cutie, man. But, dude! I was on the Ford Modeling Agency site and I'll be damned if I could find her anywhere on there. Total waste of nine hours.

I heard ''Save The Last Dance'' was number one last week. What the hell? How did this happen? And then it struck me. Remember I mentioned all those attractive people at Numbers? They were there cuz college is still out of session. However, this week college is starting back up and all the attractive people will surely be returning to their college homes and leaving the city high and dry. Something tells me there aren't a lot of people that live somewhere else and then come here to Houston to go to college.

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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