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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

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2001.03.11 21.57

I'd like to break from the daily griping that I normally engage in. I'd like to share some insight about certain things in life that I think are very good treasures that you shouldn't miss out on. We usually fall upon really cool things by accident. It's not as if you go out someplace thinking you are going to find your favorite something out there. Okay, well, maybe we all feel like we're out to find The One when we go out to our most convenient rhythmic ceremonial ritual. I haven't been to #'s for the last few weeks since I've been healing, so I can feel the loss. But what if you never knew about something that was just plain damn good? I have a friend named Jason (and you all know who I am talking about) who has NEVER had a taste of avocado. It's a good food, but the aversion takes over. Don't let that happen if you can help it. Be open. Do new things. Experience. Don't get caught up with ''oh that sucks cuz so and so said it sucked'' -- don't be a sheep. Be the wolf.

Angelic Voices. Specifically, Stevie Nicks, Tori Amos, Kate Bush and Enya. If you haven't heard any of these women perform, do yourself a faver and load up the Napster (before the evil record industry filtering finally kicks in -- it still hasn't as of this evening, as far as I can tell). Stevie Nicks I consider the source. Ever heard Landslide? No? Go get it. Each of the artists is a prodigy. They've got gifts. If I had half as much talent as any of them, I'd be in the middle of recording my 4th album for Epic Records. Sheeya. Tori can take another artist's song and make it her own. Smells Like Teen Spirit, Wrapped Around Your Finger and Purple Rain. She transforms. Makes me want to glue myself to my piano. Kate Bush has a lot of work in the 80's that has kept many a single boy busy dreaming. Enya is a mystery. She creates everything on her own. Orinico Flow? Yes, it does.

Comedic Writing. Specifically, Frasier, The Simpsons, The Daily Show, Futurama and occasionally Saturday Night Live (so many writers, so much range). I actually dream to one day be a cast member on Saturday Night Live. I am on the total wrong track in life to do that, however, but who knows? Stranger things have happened. Piercings becoming popular, for instance. Is it true that once something starts to sell out to pop culture, it loses its significance? I don't think so. Well, except for those parachute pants back in the mid 80's. What the hell was I talking about? Oh, yeah. The writing on Frasier is amazing. It is almost scary how good it is. NBC renewed the show for another three years so I will be laughing for a few more years. The Simpsons and Futurama are clever beyond belief. Would love to write for them. The Daily Show? I want to be a reporter. I think I could work well with John Stewart. Perhaps a correspondent position. I am eyeing the Digital-8 camcorder at Best Buy. Maybe if I sent them some material I might get a stipend for some remote work. Hmmm. [plotting sounds].

There is much more. Fried jalapenos and queso. The Whataburger Breakfast on a Bun Ranchero breakfast meal. Fried pickles at Katz's. Sushi at Kirin on FM 1960. Food is good food. Yay. Okay, more later. I am going to be Remote Boy again for the next couple of days while I work in Florida for one of my favorite clients. I have been practicing walking with normal shoes for the past two days and hope to do so with modest effort while out of town. Physical therapy sucks. The reward is being able to walk without pain. Fine. Okay then. Sign me up.

Happiness is a 220K/second MP3 download on Napster. :-)

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

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