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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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2001.06.03 23.00

Sitting on the plane right now while I type this. Seat 6D. Aisle seat. I like the aisle. The window has a nice view, but there is a lot to think about if you have to sit there. For example:
  • As you pass seatmates to or from your seat, you might accidentally fall into one of their laps - not good if the guy next to you is a construction worker or biker. This point is automatically moot if you happen to be sitting next to hottie supermodels from Europe.
  • The cabin wall you sit next to is concave so you can't just lean into it if you're anywhere over 5 feet tall. Here come the crick.
  • If the guy next to you is spilling into your seat, there is no escape. If the supermodel next to you is spilling into your seat, you won't want to escape.
  • When the plane lands and the cabin door opens, everyone immediately stands up - except you. The overhead bin robs you of the ability to stand so you have to either sit there and tough it or do the crouching tiger move until your seatmates get the hell up.
  • You are the master of the window. Want the blinder thingy to go up or down? That's all you.
  • The view is all yours. Score yourself extra points if your head is really big, too.
  • No need to come into physical contact with a flight attendant. Pass all of your trash and food over to the person next to you.
  • You'll know if the plane is about to crash / lose a wing / explode before the people next to you.
  • If the plane should crack open you've got a clear path to the outside with no waiting.
  • Unexplained creatures sitting on the wing tend to be noticed by the window seat guy.
The male flight attendant just came on and gave a supposed update of a Philadelpha 76ers basketball game going on. He had them losing terribly and the star player was out for the season. He then revealed his ruse. Apparently folks back in aisle 10 are now plotting how to throw him out of the plane.

Haven't updated in a while due to being busy. Typical blog excuse that I am sure everyone with a blog has made at least once. I have been exercising the ''if I don't use it for three months I don't need it rule'' and I'm very close to containing all of my belongings within the master bedroom. This does not count the 2000+ action figures I have. Have I ever mentioned that? Yeah, they basically cover the walls in the living room. People tend to freak out over them for the first 5 minutes that they enter the living room. They forget about it shortly thereafter. I got the idea from a guy I visited in 1994 with my then girlfriend Betsy. I was selling him one of my rare ''Batman: Mask of the Phantasm'' figures. Speaking of, this figure was pretty silly. The whole point of the movie is that you don't know the identity of the Phantasm character until the very end. The figure reveals who the Phantasm is since it isn't wearing the hood in the package. Duh. I think Kenner didn't make too many of these. I wonder if there were pissed off people in a marketing department somewhere. I would have never hypothesized things like this before I got into the Internet Biz. Back then I Was like, ''heh, heh, heh... look... it's a pretty girl action figure!''

Getting worried that I will lose out on Planet of the Apes tickets in July because of the surge in demand for them. Fox can only fit so many people in the theater. Need to bust out on the programming for the fanclub site within the next week. I have finished the log in for users, but my super secret image protection COM object isn't my buddy. Alternate strategy would be to stamp the back of people's hands everytime they view a graphic. Implementation will be tricky. May have to resort to the honor system.

Getting to flex by Creative abilities by going to Philadelpha. That's why I am on this plane right now typing this. Going to be working for 90 days, apparently, in the city of brotherly love. Everyone has been pretty goofy about their limited knowledge of Philly. ''Man, you're gonna have to eat one of their famous philadelphia cheese steaks when you're there!'' Like, do people coming to Texas from Philly tell their departing friends, ''Man, you're gonna have to eat some of their famous Tex-Mex when you're there!'' I digress.

Meant to bring my webcam with me to give daily updates. Instead I'll use the digital camera. My third alterative is my Casio Wrist Camera, although I don't have the transmitter. I haven't posted any pics from that particular camera, so get ready for some mild entertainment value when I post next.

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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