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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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2002.02.12 1.10

Watched Castaway and had myself a fairly decent cry. Not, WAH! WAH! More sniffly and emotional like. A good Robert Zemeckis movie always hits the spot whenever I feel like this. Forrest Gump. Castaway. Contact. All good double-hanky movies. I know. Sad, eh? Send me some money if you feel so sad for me. I prefer 20's, please.

I was desperately awaiting an expense check for a hella lotta money to pay off American Express before they send their hit men after me. I specifically had The Company mail it to the office here in Philly. Guess what the Philly office did? THEY MAILED IT TO MY HOUSE IN HOUSTON! DOH! So, I had to get my awesome dad to FEDEX it back to me here again. How stupid that this little slip of paper has to travel nearly 5000 miles just so I can give it to the bank. The upside is that I get to track the FEDEX package. That's always cool fun. FedEx is the company that Tom Hanks' character works for in ''Castaway'' so this is so totally on the topic of the day for me. Here's what the package has done so far, from newest event to oldest event:
Left FedEx Ramp HOUSTON TX 02/11/2002 23:33
Left FedEx Origin Location HOUSTON TX 02/11/2002 21:21
Arrived at FedEx Ramp HOUSTON TX 02/11/2002 21:14
Picked up by FedEx HOUSTON TX 02/11/2002 16:25

I can't help but wonder what would happen if I were to take the check back to the Philly Office again. I would hope they would call me to tell me my check mysteriously reappeared, but I'd still bet a hundred bucks that they'd try mailing it back to Houston again -- even though I did call them and express dismay and disappointment about their misguided directive to send a check 1600 miles in the opposite direction of where I could get it. My contact tried to play off the issue by saying, ''oh, we always mail the checks out to the consultants.'' Riiiight. Okay, enough bitching and whining. Tomorrow morning this will all be over and the AMEX Mafia can get off my back.

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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