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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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ask your coworker 2004

2004.06.21 23.55

Today's Question: ''Privately funded manned craft such as SpaceShipOne are now entering outer space. What are your thoughts on the subject?"

''Does this mean that we're going to be sending a race of cryogenically frozen super humans led by a guy named Khan into space soon?''
''I don't see how that kind of advancement is going to help me. Can't they work on making sports cars more pimp, instead?''

''Soooo... do they allow smoking? I mean, like, is there a hidden smoke detector in the lavoratory?''
''Trips into outer space? Yeah, right. What's next? Fuel-efficient electric hybrid cars?''

''Those space shuttle NASA guys are gonna be so pissed off! Isn't leaving earth's orbit illegal?''
''On one hand, you've got mankind reaching for the stars and bettering themselves. On the other hand, the pilot of SpaceShipOne Mike Melvill is soooo fine. Mmmm!''

''Where are the flying cars? I've been waiting and waiting. I want to see some dang flying cars A.S.A.P.''
''That's so awe inspiring. Maybe one day we can go to the moon. That'll be so cool.''

''Yeah, I would have done that whole flying into space on a privately funded craft thing, too, but I had finals.''
''Why the hell do you ask me these stupid questions?''

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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