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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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2003.12.04 18.32

I've received some unusual emails over the last five years as webmaster of Most of the email is spam. Maybe 5% is fan mail. I give those people the talent agency address where mail can be sent. I may forward less than 0.5% to either Mark's manager or to his brother. But the email I got today has to take the cake on tasteless. Read:
Hello, I am a fan of Mark Wahlberg's and I have a
bet with my daughter.
I told her that Mark was in prison for killing a man
and she says no. We have
a dinner riding on this. Thank you.
[name removed]
Claims Support Specialist
[company name removed]
Can you believe someone would ask something like that? She's a claims support specialist for a very well-known insurance company. I'm like, ''Duh, what is wrong with you?!'' Of course, her insane notion that he killed someone is absolutely not true. What makes people so deliberately insensitive that they will send stupid emails like that -- with their company's name on the signature tagline? Geez.

In other news... I am watching ''The Dead Zone'' season one and loving it. Good stuff. Anthony Michael Hall is sitting on a gold mine. If all child actors were able to get a part as rich as this, you probably wouldn't see as many of them showing up dead in front of the Viper Room.

I just blew a snot out of my nose from laughing at what I just typed. Nice visual, eh?

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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