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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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believe it

2003.09.05 15.27

My whole casio watch fiasco is actually coming to an okay conclusion. The guy is sending me another watch. I only had to mention the Better Business Bureau and a small claims laywer in LA I was thinking about hiring, and WHAM! I'm getting a new watch. Of course, I'm extremely nervous and won't be able to relax until the watch is strapped to my wrist, unable to escape. Only then will I be able to relax and enjoy my beer. Mmmm. Beer.

I plan on seeing ''Dickie Roberts'' this weekend. It's also First Friday today here in Philadelphia and the area around my apartment will be buzzing with activity. It's also the first week that people are ''back from the shore'' and the people meter should be off the hook. To the uninitiated, The Shore is the New Jersey shore where everyone and their mom goes off to visit during the summer. They rent shore houses and just party day in and day out. We don't really have a good equivalent to that experience in Texas. True, we have Galveston and people do go down to The Strand to enjoy our ''beach.'' But over here it is like a rite of passage. I haven't taken in the shore yet. Perhaps in 2004? When I'm living in NY? Heh. Hey, don't count me out.

I finally closed on my house. I'm now a proud homeowner. Unfortunately, I don't live there. There are no plans for me to live there given my current workload here in Philadelphia. I do, however, plan on spending around 4 weeks on vacation before 12/31/2003. There are advantages to staying with the same company for 6+ years. I don't think I would have had the same opportunities if I'd remained a teacher all those years ago. I also wouldn't be a script monkey, either, so you give and take.

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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