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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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2003.02.03 7.20

Not wanting to deal with the events that transpired over the weekend, I got onto the plane Sunday evening clutching my copy of the Kurt Cobain Journal hardback. Very interesting to read his musings over the course of his band's eventual rise to stardom. So far after 70 pages his diatribe is growing somewhat stagnant. F*** sheep keeps coming up. Not so sure about that -- I'm hoping it has to do with rising above the masses while indulging your libido amongst them in the process. Perhaps once ''Nevermind'' is released in the chronology of the book his personal depth will resurface. Just in case you haven't seen it -- the book contains digital photographs of Kurdt's (his spelling) spiral notebook journals. They have been locked up since his death and have only recently been made public. I suspect there is an enormous amount of content that they withheld, for whatever reason. Either way, it is about as interesting as reading anyone's online blog can be. The fact that he used to leave his spiral notebooks out on the coffee table for anyone to read is interesting given that Kurt passed away before public blogs became a prevalent voice. I don't think this is Book Club reading material, but I'm enjoying the unusual format all the same.

As the plane began its approach toward Philly I heard someone a row behind me talking to another person about Houston as if he had become an expert on all things Texas during his weekend stay. This theory went out the window when he started talking about HP Invent. He was telling the person next to him, ''Compaq is now called HP Invent and I drove by their campus and those folks at HP Invent really know how to build a technological center!'' The girl he was talking to kept saying, ''HP What?'' and he was all, ''Invent! Invent!'' and she was all ''HP In.. vent?'' I mean, come on, obviously this guy doesn't get that ''Invent'' is the slogan for the company. I *really* wanted to turn around and ask him what he thought of my Nike Just Do It shoes and if he wanted to sample some fries I bought from the Burger King Have It Your Way store.

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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