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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

« April 2009 | Home | August 2009 » is mine!

2009.05.29 20.21

I let the domain slip through my fingers years ago only to see some guy put up a cheesy family home page that was never updated and wreaked of ''hey I learned how to make HTML in Microsoft Word.'' That's over with today with my acquisition of the domain. I briefly considered parodying that guy's site with a similar (albeit evil) version of the contents of his site. I have so much to do now that I'm back from DisneyWorld that I'm going to let that slide, too. More later. If you want more frequent updates you can start following me @thesupergenius on Twitter --

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© Mark Shields

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