Month: August 2008


the return to marching band

If you know me, you realize that I am not a typical 38 year old guy. I don’t choose to go down the beaten path that all others have taken. Why should I? It’s more fun if you run to the beat of your own drum. Why should I do what’s expected and predictable with […]


too tired to blog

It’s day 3 of Spat Camp. I’m sore and tired. The schedule starts up at 8:30 AM and goes through 9:30 PM with minimal breaks, so that’s my explanation for not really having enough time to properly blog. I’ve been taking notes, however, so during my next pause I’ll make an attempt at posting them. […]



I’m in a taxi headed out to the University of Minnesota campus where I will face one of life’s unanswered questions. Can I still march? No, seriously. That’s the question. Stay tuned and see.


quark on dvd! at long last!

I can’t believe that QUARK is finally coming to DVD. It only took 30 years. I suppose the recent success of GET SMART at the theaters has given SONY cause to look in their vaults for other Buck Henry classics. The little known series QUARK aired a mere eight episodes in 1978. I watched many […]