Month: July 2003


day 5

I am constantly switching from Czech mode to English mode on this keyboard, so you’ll have to pardon the brevity of today’s entry. We were originally going to take a bus to Karlovy Vary this morning, but ended up oversleeping thanks to a faulty alarm clock. I slept quite soundly. Occasionally I’ll hear people up […]


day 4

Yesterday continued to Good Food tradition with a visit to the Indian place (i.e. Pakistani place that we call the Indian Place). I don’t think it is sitting especially well today, but I’m not afraid to suffer for good food. There was also some sort of rasberry pie and capaccino, along with the standard visit […]



Sitting at the Bohemian Bagel with Kath and Aemelia (interesting spelling, n’est pas?). They are watching me read my boring emails and delete my filthy spams. Then they watched me lounge around my bank account and lament that the sums did not meet my dreams. Okay, well, maybe not exactly that. Kath is working on […]



Katherine is standing one foot away from me, and I have been discouraged at playing around with the settings of Internet Explorer. ”You’re wasting time!” Well…. so I’m at a very sleek Internet Cafe typing away. Just got out of the movies. Saw ”Identity” — great film. See it. John Cussack is brilliant. I think […]



So I took my replacement ATM card and walked up to an ATM. I slid the card through. I entered my PIN. I waited. I waited some more. Denied. I tried again. Then again. Frustrated that I couldn’t activate the freakin’ card, I called up Bank of America. ”Ohhhhhh… we probably gave you a new […]



Disappointed to hear that my old team that I helped form back in 1997 is being dissolved. It stuck together after I moved on to other projects three years ago, so I guess that’s not too bad. Finding another super genius to replace you is not easily done. I am setting some high goals over […]


welcome to moviefone…

Have you read the blog of Mr. Pax as of late? I think the best information about what is going on in Iraq comes out of his blog. The media and the politicians in all countries involved are such poor sources of unbiased news, in my opinion. I plan to add this to my short […]


sam sung, we listened

I recently bid on another Matrix phone on eBay. I didn’t win the auction. I guess I lucked out that I got my phone at cost because they are reselling for $800 to $900 now. I’ve received my first ever spams from other eBay users as a result. They must be thinking it’s O.K. to […]



Four coworkers and myself traveled to King of Prussia, PA to see ”Matrix Reloaded” on the IMAX. We briefly visited the Champs restaurant and bar. Good looking crowd for the most part (i.e. ”good looking crowd” is what I say… ”hot chicks abounded” is what I thought). This was my first experience at seeing the […]


dude, where’s my rental car?

Last night I bought some free weights, a jump rope, and a medicine ball from Dick’s Sporting Goods. I parked in this spot in the back of my building that I highly covet. It is often taken but not last night. I went inside and was quite happy. I woke up this morning quite happy. […]

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