Month: May 2001


deja vu

Stay tuned. Applying a minor new look and adjusting some layout. I’m posting an AIM Remote in case you’d like to bug me. I rarely ever use this old account, but if I’m feeling particular open to a barrage of IM’s, feel free. For some reason I feel like I’ve done this before. Must be […]


the big stinky

Tonight was the last episode of Star Trek: Voyager. I remember watching the series premiere on Monday, January 16th, 1995. UPN was kicking off its new network for the first time. They even included a bag of popcorn in the Sunday Houston Chronicle to pop while you watched the premiere. I used to work for […]


wacky tourists & and drunk girls

Man, I never left. Must concentrate. Must remember Christopher Walken is on SNL tonight. Instead of doing good, I’ve been closely examining my Apache web logs for the last few hours. I’ve discovered many interesting sites are linking to me. Someone in Germany, a BTTF message board (also in Germany), and a movie message […]


i don’t wanna

Okay, now I’m balking. I may just go and see what its like. It’s either this or join a model railroad collectors club. I need to figure out how to challenge myself at work. Whenever I feel bored I look for something that hasn’t been working and either fix it or replace it. Might get […]


is it self-mutilation if you pay someone else to do it?

I’m about to go signup to serve my community. Perhaps I’ll donate some more of my bright red, type o-negative blood as well. I suddenly want to walk up and down roads with a poker, stabbing innocent trash and dabbing it into a giant hefty bag. Call me old fashioned if you will, but there […]


drowned world

Super Genius Mark Shields made a trip to the safety deposit box at his bank today to drop off his newly acquired Madonna concert tickets. When questioned about who he planned to take to the concert, Mr. Shields responded via press release by saying, "I’m going to start looking at potential applicants. My qualifications are: […]



Without warning, the ugly stick smacked several of Frosty’s friends just before this photo was taken. Police are still investigating and will issue a statement tomorrow afternoon. It really bugs me when someone has a cam and they think they’re god’s gift to the internet. And then one day out of the blue, they post […]



It’s late and I should be in bed. I’ve been throwing away old crap. Saw the movie Memento earlier this evening and it made me realize that I tend to forget things and then remember them when I touch some item from my past. I have a 1976 Astroworld season pass that I found again. […]



Just wrote a two plus page review for Ain’t It Cool News. It’s my duty to report on what I saw, plus I figure I should get my writing chops back. I didn’t spend 8 years in college for nothing. Did I?


happy yo momma day

Woo hoo! My first review for Ain’t It Cool News was posted today. Check it out when you have the time. There is also a feedback section at the end. So far nobody has trashed my review. Accusing me of being a plant, true, but other than that it looks like the reaction is good. […]

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